Join the 6-week January Reset Programme

Train with me online to your own schedule

Forget quick fixes and false promises. Kickstart 2025 with 6 weeks of adding in, not cutting out, for less than a tenner a week.

Join the 6-week January Reset Programme

Train with me online to your own schedule

Forget quick fixes and false promises. Kickstart 2025 with 6 weeks of adding in, not cutting out, for less than a tenner a week.

Join the 6-week January Reset Programme

Train with me online to your own schedule

Forget quick fixes and false promises. Kickstart 2025 with 6 weeks of adding in, not cutting out, for less than a tenner a week.

December is all about friends, family and celebration; a chance to connect and enjoy life. But then January arrives along with the dreadful quick fix faddy diets, restricted food groups and hardcore ‘promise the earth but ultimately unsustainable’ exercise plans. Not for you? Nope, me neither. January doesn’t need to be awful so cast aside the marketing cr*p and kickstart 2025 with 6 weeks of adding in, not cutting out. 

Let’s readjust back to eating, moving and looking after ourselves in a way that makes us happy AND will help you to build sustainable habits for the year.

What will I receive?   

  • 2 x 15-30 minute workouts per week to complete in your own time with adaptations to suit all abilities
  • A weekly themed lifestyle focus. Small tweaks to leave you feeling good on the inside
  • Weekly quick, simple recipe ideas to help you fill your body full of fibre, protein and colourful goodness
  • A supportive WhatsApp group – to provide motivation and support
  • Access to the whole of the Fresh Start Fitness Membership Hub; recipes, stretches, meditiations and more!

Here’s what my Hub members say:

“The programme got me motivated to do something for me when it’s easy to find excuses. I felt more energised and body confident, I loved the variety of workouts and the fact that as they were short you could always find time to do one.”

“The workouts have been fab! I have really enjoyed the challenges and recipe ideas and “Food for Thought” pointers. Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed!”

“I loved it and definitely noticed an improvement in muscle tone and strength by the end of the course.”

What do I need to participate?  

  • A long resistance Band and / or a looped resistance band
  • Dumbbells in whatever weight you feel comfortable with. 2kg to 10kg is ideal, depending on your experience
  • Completion of a pre-screening health form.

When does it start?

The first workouts will be posted on Saturday 11th January.

All this for less than a tenner a week

All this for just £48. Click the link below to join and make your payment*.

Questions? Drop me a message on or via my instagram (below).

*payments are non-refundable unless I deem the Programme is not suitable for you.